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Image by Dion Tavenier

 Media and Disasters: enhancing panic or preventing it?

This is a feature news article exploring the mass media based on the language used for the communication of natural disasters and the occurring of other types of crisis situations. The aim of this article is to inform the readers on the reportage principles used by the media when it comes to a crisis, questioning whether it prevents panic or creates panic within public. A wide range of sources have been used from less recent to up to date, such as an interview. 


Understanding our Dreams and Unconsciousness

 The concept of dreams has been studied by many experts of the field, yet until now we do not know the truth regarding their existence. What is going on in our brain while we sleep? what do we know about dreams? This video seeks to answer possible questions and curiosities on the phenomena of dreams through the information and theories of psychology experts.    

Image by Flaunter

Is Covid-19 driving fashion towards an eco-sustainable world? 

The Coronavirus has had a tremendous impact on the world economy, including the fashion sector. This crisis, however, might have brought something positive for our future, something we call sustainability. This article will discuss how and why Covid-19 has encouraged the fashion industry to embrace sustainability through the ideas of fashion designers and specialists. 

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